Monday, September 30, 2019

P1- Health and Social Care Life Stages

The Life Stages 0-3 years is Tommy 4-9 years is Amy 10-18 years is Abbey 19-65 years is Denise/Jack 65+ years is Pat The human life span is set in age stages; these are called Life Stages. The stages are listed from 0-3 years to 65+ years. Growth is a term used within describing the life stages because it’s a term to describe an increase in quantity. For example, as children grow the height and weight increases. We also use the term development; this describes the development of someone’s abilities, as they grow older. We can also use this term to describe the development of quantity change, such as height and weight.Also describing the lift stages, we use the term called maturation. This is different to development and growth. Puberty is an example of maturation because when development is expected to be due to a genetically automated sequence of change. Development norms, is another term we use to describe a set of average expectations to an infants or child’s development. Holistic development is similar but instead its describing someone’s physical, emotional, intellectual and social development in one. Conception & pregnancy A human baby’s life begins at conception.A woman usually develops 1 egg per month, roughly this happens 2 weeks after her last period. A women is most likely to get pregnant within a day or so of ovulation. An egg lives for about 12-24 hours after its released. For a woman to actually get pregnant the egg needs to be fertilized by a sperm cell within this time. Pregnancy is divided into  3 trimesters. Each trimester is a little longer than 13 weeks. The first month marks the beginning of the first trimester. 1, 2 and 3 weeks The egg is fertilized in one of the fallopian tubes and is carried into the uterus.Fertilization of the egg happens in the fallopian tube. As the egg passes through the fallopian tube is sets itself in the wall of the uterus. The embryo becomes a shape of a pear with a head shape d rounded, pointed lower spine and notochord running along its back. 4- 5 weeks The embryo becomes C-shaped and a tail is visible. The umbilical cord forms and the forebrain enlarge; at this stage of pregnancy the internal organs a begun to form. During this stage of development, the embryo is vulnerable to harmful substances consumed by the mother, which may cause defects. 6-8 weeksThe eyes, mouth, nose and ears have begun to form and the limbs grow rapidly from tiny buds. The head and face has formed more human, the head is more upright, and the tail has gone. Legs and arms have developed. Fingers and toes have formed. 9-10 weeks * The embryo develops into a fetus after 10 weeks. * Fingers and toes are longer. The umbilical cord connects the abdomen of the fetus to the placenta. The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus. It absorbs nutrients from the woman’s bloodstream. The cord carries nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and takes wastes away from the fetus. 1-12 w eeks The fetus is now measured from the top of its head to its buttocks. This is called crown-rump length. The fetus has a CRL of 2–3 inches. Its Fingers and toes are no longer webbed whilst the Bones begin hardening. Skin and fingernails begin to grow. Changes triggered by hormones begin to make external sex organs appear — female or male. The fetus begins making spontaneous movements. Kidneys start making urine, Early sweat glands appear and Eyelids are fused together. 13-14 weeks (second trimester) The baby has a CRL of about 3 inches long which is about 8 cm long at this stage.The sex of the fetus can sometimes be seen on the ultra sound of the mothers scan. Hair begins to grow on the babys head and the roof of the baby’s mouth is formed, whilst the prostate glands are developing on the male. Ovaries move down from the abdomen to the pelvic area in the female. 15-16 weeks Some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy begin to be relieved during the fourt h month for example Nausea is usually reduced. But other digestive problems — heartburn and constipation — may be still occurring. Breast changes — growth, soreness, and darkening of the areola — usually continue.It’s common for women to have shortness of breath or to breathe faster. Increased blood flow may lead to unpleasant pregnancy symptoms, such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds, or nasal stuffiness. Pregnant women also may feel dizzy or faint because of the changes to their blood and blood vessels. 17-20 weeks The fetus has CRL of about 6. 5 inches long which is 16cm long. The fine downy hair begins to cover the body, which is called Lanugo. The skin is also covered with Vernix Caseosa, which is a greasy material that covers the body. The uterus now has developed into either a male or female.Women usually feel faint movements for the first time during the fifth month. It may feel like flutters or butterflies in the stomach. The pregnancy symptoms of the fourth month continue into the 5th month- Heartburn, constipation, breast changes, dizziness, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, and gum bleeding are common. Breasts may be as much as  2 cup sizes bigger by this time. 21-24 months The baby now has a CRL of about 7 inches, which is about 18-19 cm long. The bone marrow now starts to develop blood cells and taste buds start to form. Pregnancy symptoms from the fourth and fifth month usually continue.Shortness of breath may improve. Breasts may start producing colostrum — tiny drops of early milk. This may continue throughout pregnancy. Some women have Braxton-Hicks contractions. They feel like a painless squeezing of the uterus or abdomen. This is the uterus’s way of practicing for labor and delivery. Braxton-Hicks contractions are normal and not a sign of preterm labor. But women should check with their health care providers if they have painful or frequent contractions or if they have any concerns. Weeks 25†“26 The baby has now got a CRL of about 9 inches long which is roughly 23 inches long.Also the baby develops more and more fat from now until end of pregnancy. * Week 27–28 The baby now has a CRL of about 10 inches which is 25 cm long. Eyelids are usually fused together until 28 weeks. A woman’s uterus continues expanding. Back pain is common. Pregnancy symptoms from earlier months continue. Dizziness may lessen. * 29-30 weeks (third trimester) * * The fetus has a CRL of about 10. 5 inches (27 cm). Testes usually begin descending into the scrotum from the abdomen between weeks 30 and 34 in a male fetus. This is usually complete by 40 weeks. Week 31–32 The fetus has a CRL of about 11 inches (28 cm). Lanugo starts falling off. ?Women often start feeling tired and have a more difficult time breathing as the uterus expands up. They may get varicose veins — blue or red swollen veins most often in the legs — or hemorrhoids — varicose veins of th e rectum. Hemorrhoids can be painful and itchy and cause bleeding. Women may also get stretch marks where skin has been expanded. Braxton-Hicks contractions, heartburn, and constipation may continue. Women may urinate a bit when sneezing or laughing because of pressure from the uterus on the bladder.Hormones may make hair appear fuller and healthier. Weeks 33-36 * The fetus has a CRL of about 12 inches (30 cm). The eyes have developed enough for pupils to constrict and dilate when exposed to light. * Lanugo is nearly all gone. The fetus is considerably fatter, and the * Skin is no longer wrinkled. 37-40 weeks * The fetus has a CRL of about 13–14 inches (34–36 cm). * The fetus has a firm grasp. Many women give birth around this * Time. The average new born weighs around 7-8lbs which is * Around 18-22 inches long with legs extended.By the end of pregnancy, the uterus has expanded from a woman’s pelvis to the bottom of her rib cage. Pregnancy symptoms in the tenth month largely depend on when the fetus drops down into lower part of the uterus in the pelvis. Shortness of breath, heartburn, and constipation usually improve when the fetus drops. But the position of the fetus lower in the pelvis causes frequent urination and trouble holding urine. The cervix will begin to open — dilate — to prepare for delivery. This may happen a few weeks before delivery, or it might start when a woman goes into labor.A woman may feel sharp pains in her vagina as the cervix dilates. After the newborn is delivered, the placenta and other tissues also come out of the woman’s body. This is called the afterbirth. For the first couple of days after giving birth, Tommys mother can feel the top of your uterus at or a few finger widths below the level of your belly button. In a week, her uterus weighs a little over a pound – half of what it weighed just after she gave birth. After two weeks, it's down to a mere 11 ounces and located entirely within her pelvis.By about four weeks, it should be close to its pre-pregnancy weight of 3. 5 ounces or less. This process is called involution of the uterus. Even after her uterus shrinks back into her pelvis, you may continue to look somewhat pregnant for several weeks or longer. That's because her abdominal muscles get stretched out during pregnancy, and it will take time – and regular exercise – to get your belly back in shape. 0-3 years physical development motor control develops from the head and moves down through the arms and the bottom and then to the legs and feet.Initial movements are reflexive in nature, such as turning the head to the side when the cheek is stroked; this then leads to feeding. Motor skills are related to the growing ability to observe and interact with the environment. According to the healthy children American website, a baby turns its head from side to side when lying on their back or belly and brings both hands together at the chest or mouth at 1 month of age. 3-6 months physical development At 3 months of age, an infant progresses at lifting the head and chest up when lying on its belly and may press up with its arms.At 3 months old, Tommy should beable to kick his legs when lying on his belly or back. Also at this age, Tommy should beable to play with soft toys that are required for his age. Tommy will have a sharp grasp with his hands so he can hold objects such as toys securely (if small). According to the healthy children American website, between 3 and 4 months Tommy begins rolling from his belly to his back and then back to belly around 6 months old. 6-12 months old physical development The average age at which an infact sits without support is 6 months old, so by the time tommy is this age he should be able to do this.Standing with support, Tommy should beable to do this roughly at 7. 6 months (according to healthy children American website). Infants in the study, crawl on hands and knees at 8. 5 months, w alking with assistance occurs usually at 9. 2 months. The average age for a baby to walk alone is 11 months. 12-24 months old physical development. The world health organization study notes that a young toddler like Tommy can take two-three steps alone around 12 months. Also they start to walk without support across a room with stopping or changing direction between 13-15 months.Around 18 months of age Tommy will be kicking and throwing balls, running, climbing stairs with assistance and playing with scooters with confidence. 24-36 months old physical development Between the ages of 2 and 3, balance improves and tommy walks with a smoother pattern. During this time tommy may be able to balance on 1 foot, walk backwards and walk on tiptoes. Usually around 24 months, tommy starts to jump over obstacles around 36 months. At 24 months tommy can climb a small ladder and go down a small slide. Around 35 months, Tommy can confidently go around a playground, trying out all the playground cl imbing frames.Also ride a bike suitable for his age or scooter. 0-3 months intellectual development Around this stage of life, theres not much intellectual about Tommy, Its usually about the relationship between him and his parents. When tommy first opened his eyes, he would just stare a lot at whats around him. He fixates on objects around him that usually move, around 12 inches from his face. At this stage Tommy will begin to know who his parents are and distinguish their faces from strangers faces. He will also beable to exhibit sense of size, colour and shape recognition. 4-8 months intellectual developmentAt this stage of Tommy’s life intellectual development, his starts to handle and explore objects, such as feel, taste and smell objects. Such as cuddly toys. They also start to explore their surroundings like their home and who lives with him. At this stage his starts to point and use it as a sign of communication if he wants something. Tommy may show signs of fear, for example falling. He may start to imitate actions such as â€Å"pat-a-cake’’. He also may want to play games repetitively and only likes one toy or book to look at once. 8-12 months intellectual development At this stage, Tommy may start gesturing by giving a wave to say goodbye or lowing kisses. He may also start to copy relatives and mimic movements, for example dancing and clapping. Also at this stage tommy can start to recognize facial features, such as eyes, nose, ears and mouth. He might also beable to identify objects such as books, balls and animals. Tommy may also like to do things intentionally for reaction, such as dropping toys. Tommy at this stage may show a memory of short term which is perfectly normal. 12-24 months intellectual development At this stage of development tommy may start to have his own imagination especially during play time, so he may start to move things around the floor.He also may start to potty train and understand when he needs to g o toilet. Tommy may start to show an understanding of shapes and colours and start to colour and draw himself with crayons and paints. With memory skills, these will show an increase as he gets older and as the brain develops properly. 24-36 months intellectual development At this stage of tommys intellectual development he can speak fully and show an understanding of what others are saying to him and what he might ask him to do. He may start to development in comparing objects to others such as ‘little’, ‘bigger’, or ‘really big’.He may also start to count up to ten or maybe more. Tommy may start to match pictures and objects and start to play- act thoughts, for example tommy may start to pretend to be a dinosaur. He may also start to learn how to share and use terms such as please and thank you. 0-3 months emotional and social development At this stage of tommys social and emiontal development, he may start off by being attached to parents or carers. At the first few weeks of Tommys life he may tend to be used to the people around him, so the cloest, he will be attached quicker. He may also enjoy being held or cuddled.He may also express discomfort, enjoyment or unhappiness. He may also entertain himself by playing with fingers, watching the t. v such as programs that consist of movement and bright colours. 4-8 months social and emotional development At this stage of Tommys life he may have shown full attachment to either his mother/father or carer, he may also develop a sense of security and trust with parents or carer, he may also show preference and reaction of separation from his mother/father or carer. This way he may show different responds to facial expressions and sounds.He may love to be picked up, held and cuddled by parents or relatives. He may start to hear himself at this stage and start to make loud noises, laugh and smile. To communicate he ay cry and he may seek attention. 8-12 months social and emotiona l development When Tommy is a really young baby he shows full attachment to his parents which is immediate, that way he may also always want to be near them or in their sight, showing this he may begin to show fear to strangers. He may also start to be emotionally attached to something socialable like a t. program, blanket or a toy. He also may start to enjoy going out and being socialable for example, going shopping or going to the park. 12-24 months social and emotional development At this stage of social and emotion development Tommy may start to develop a sense of humor and start to love being in the center of attention. He may also start to show selfishness and begin not to share his toys with other friends. With Tommy he lives with his parents so he may start to copy their daily activities such as driving, reading, cooking, hugging and blowing kisses.At this stage Tommy will start to try new things every day, show jealousy towards his parents and get frustrated really easy. 24 -36 months social and emotional development As a child gets older, their emotional and social development gets a lot more interesting. Tommy my start to get confident and except new people and start to talk to them but also if they still have that full attachment to their parents, they may start to show shyness to around new people. If he gets upset, he may start to pull hair, kick, slap or bite other children. Also he may start to show some patients on the other hand.Around places, objects, certain people he may start to show dislike. He may be more sensitive around people and if they cry he may turn it into a tantrum. 4-9 years growth development Between the ages of 4 and 9 children may begin to look thinner, this is because they grow increasingly but their fact accumulation is staying relatively the same. By the time Amy is 6 years old, North Dakota state university that they begin to proportion a lot better and her centre of gravity will be centrally located. She is likely to ex perience a growth spurt between the ages of 6-8 and may notice hair begins to grow darker.Nutrition intake and genetics are big factors when it comes to her growth at this stage. 4-5 years growth development At 4 years of age, Amy will fully develop hand-eye co-ordination, that will allow her to play with objects that have smaller perplexed parts to them. Amy will show that shes energetic most of the time and prefer running and jumping, by the age of 5, she will beable to catch a ball, throw a ball over her head, hop on one foot, walk up and down the stairs alone and hold cutlery properly with 3 fingers rather than her whole fist. -7 years growth development Shortly after 5 years, Amy will beable to skip and have the ability to bounce a ball and skate. By the age of 7 she should be able to ride a bike, draw shapes and patterns. Also Amy maybe beable to use a comb in her hair, brush her own teeth and also tie her own hair up in a pony tail. Also at this stage she will beable to do si mple household tasks such as making her bed, tidying up after herself. At school she may show a development in playing musical instruments. 7-9 years growth developmentBetween the ages of 7 and 9, Amy will beable to identify herself during school or things they take part in. Amy will be able to recognize herself, such as at school, either being an athlete or artist. This is influenced from teachers at school, parents or siblings. By this time, amy is capable to kick, throw and roll, which makes them able to take part in organized sports at school such as football, hockey and rounder’s. Intellectual development 4 – 9 years Around 4 years of ages Amys development of intelligence is still very simple but getting more and more intelligent by the days.Amy should be asking a lot of questions around 5-6 years old such as ‘why is the sky blue? ’, ‘why do birds have feathers? ’. Amy will begin to ask more and more questions every day but this is the de velopment of a milestone. Around this stage of 5 years, amy will start to recognize familiar colours and understand the idea of same and different, pretend and fantasize more creatively, she will be able to remember parts of stories, understand times of the day, count and understand the concept, sort objects by shape and colour, complete puzzles, recognize different shapes and colours.Five years and above, Amy will start to development more sophisticated thinking and learning abilities. Children around 7-9 year often think in very concrete ways, needing hands-on examples to improve their understanding. They often can not change the rules of a game to make it more fun, for example because they perceive rules to be firm and rigid. As children’s minds mature like Amy, she will development more flexible in their thinking. Children in this age group are capable of more abstract thought aswel. Emotional and social development 4-9 yearsFour year olds are moving out into the world an d can usually play happily with other children and enjoy lots of physical games aswel as tell stories. As Amy gets to between 5 and 6 years old, she may then start to learn about the feelings and needs of others and can share their toys plus take turns, at least some of the times. In some stages of Amy’s life can get jealous of her parents relationship. This is where the often development of the game ‘mummies and daddies’ comes from, this is a well-known game for children to grow up on.Playing games such as ‘mummies and daddies’ allows her to try out various adult roles in life. Around 6-7 years, children begin to actually learn new things and experience learning new things at school so they develop a sense of eagerness in themselves. They generally prefer structured activities to more open-ended experiences. Amy may wonder about the world and ask a lot of ‘what if? ’ questions. Pretend play means a lot to Amy at this stage in her child hood because they develop a strong imagination and involve others like friends at school.Around 8 and 9 years, children such as Amy start to involve more people in their lives, for example at school, amy may start to have best friends and play with other children with the same gender. As amy grows older she grows out of being self-centered as should be at around 5 years old because she has matured. Also around this stage amy will begin to understand other peoples views and can imagine themselves in situations of other friends experiences. Physical development 10 -18 years (adolescence) 10-11 years physical developmentPhysical development around this time it’s the start of many different experiences for young children and teenagers. For girls between the ages of 11 and 13, it may sometimes begin earlier for some children; puberty begins. Girls usually start around 2 years before boys. Boys usually start between the ages of 13 and 15 years. Puberty is an important stage for abb ey because it prepares the body for sexual reproduction. It is all started by the hormones and controlled but the sexual development. Around the teen years, girls and boys will experience a definite growth spurt. 12-14 years physical development round this physical development of life for teenagers, its all about the development of puberty, for girls around abbeys age, around the breast area they begin to be quite painful because they are beginning to develop. Usually around 13 years of age, Abbey may have started her menstrual cycle and public hair has developed. For boys on the other hand, testicular growth begins, the voice changes, pubic hair develops and they may start to experience â€Å"wet dreams†. 15-17 years physical development around this age, Abbey would of completed the physical changes related to puberty by the age of 15.Boys are still developing around this age, maturing and gaining strength. Muscle mass develops and they are completing the development of sexu al traits. Around 15-17 years, oily skin may appear which turns into acne. Hair has grown under the armpits. Breasts have developed but still maybe growing. Abbey may have developed a curvy outline to her hips which is caused from fat deposition. Internally wise, primary sexual organs grow such as uterus and vagina, ovulation and menstruation has fully developed, and lastly public hair has grown. 18 years physical developmentAround 18 years, many of the major changes for growth in puberty have completed by this age, in boys and girls. They are still growing but major changes have developed. For boys around 18 years, facial hair has grown on the face, hair is also under the armpits, testes have produced sperm. The voice box, which is called the larynx, has broken and the voice has developed deeper. The prostate gland produces secretions, and the penis has enlarged. Intellectual development 10-18 years. Between the ages of 10 and 13 years, preteens start to experience â€Å"stressful † imes at school or high school because they are having their first â€Å"exams†. Preteens around this stage develop abstract thoughts usually by the age of 13. Between the ages of 11-14 years, they are still concrete thinkers- they perceive things as good and bag and whats wrong and rights. They are just beginning to imagine possibilities, recognize consequences of their actions and anticipate what others are thinking. Anxiety enters their lifes and may cause major distractions interfering with abstract thinking.Teenagers may show an interest in ideas, ideals, values and social issues. Around 15 and 16, at this stage they show a well better established abstract thinking at school and in any other situations that may occur. Around this age Abbey may start to make applications to her own current and future situations and social situations. As abbey progresses in life, abilities to abstract thinking develop better and problem-solving skills increased by demands at school and college. Preteens and teens tend to think things wont happen to them, this explains why they are risk-takers.Also they believe they are the center of attention, for example, abbey may have a pimple on her forehead, this is making her life hell right now. This explains why teenagers are terribly self-conscious. Social and emotional development 10-18 years Around this stage of Abbeys teenage life, she begins to spend more time with her friends and less time in home and with her family. Abbey will start to form her own identity around 12-13 years and try different clothes, hair styles, friends, music and hobbies. This will then progress and carry on throughout her teenage life.Preteens like abbey around 13-14, push limits that adults put on them to assert their independence, preteens and teenagers like Abbey around 14 and 15 may start to develop more moody moods and start to express mixed feelings about â€Å"breaking away† from parents. Troubled youth may act out (for examp le, get into physical fights, use alcohol or other drugs, skip school) to express emotional pain. Physical development 19-65 years Adults in this age have to be very careful because there are many different age related changes to become as Denise grows up. Some individuals, not so much Denise have to wear glasses for reading and writing.Some adults like denise may start to lose there hearing in later adult hood. Adults tend to have some changes in hair colour, it may start to turn grey. Men sometimes start to lose there hair around 35 to 45 years old, around 45, women start their menopause. Young adults start to see and maybe feel their physical changes between the ages of 18-28. Adults are still fit and healthy at young adult hood stage but not as fit as they used to be. Around the ages of 30, adults may start to feel that their fitness, speed and strength has decreased. Some adults still go to the gym in their middle adulthood stages to keep feeling healthy and fit.Early adulthood Early adult hood is the first stage of adulthood in which the body physically changes. In this stage, denise may have continued to add abit of height and weight to her late teenage frame come into her adult hood. The body continues to undergo significant hormonal changes. In menm their heard may grow a little thick, the voice may become slightly more deepeer and richer. Early adulthood is the period when women have children, so this is the time denise would of gained abit of weight and breast development would of completed. Middle adulthoodMiddle adulthood is the second stage of adulthood in which one of the most noticeable changes is loss of elasticity in the skin, especially in the face. This results to wrinkles and lines in the skin, this then shows denise â€Å"aging†. Men usually gain weight around the stomach and women gain weight around the hips and legs. Strength and flexibility both decrease in both genders. Women usually experience hormonal changes during this peri od that result in rhe loss of ability to reproduce, this then is called the menopause. Both genders experience graying of the hair or the hair may start to thin out.Later adulthood Late adulthood is the final stage of physical change, the skin continues to lose elasticity as it started in middle adulthood and the result is deeper lines and wrinkles, age spots or brown spots often form. Eye sight deteriorates, which causes them to need stronger glasses. Reaction time slows down and appetitive may also slow down. Intellectual development 19-65 years Intellectual development may increase in this age group. Some older adults like Denise may have a slower reaction to things but increase in knowledge may give back for this in many work situations.Older adults are more skilled then younger adults and teengers when it comes to complex decisions. Adults like Denise are typically more focused in specific directions, having gained insight and understanding from life events that teenagers and y oung adults have not yet experienced. No longer viewing the world from an absolute and fixed perspective, middle adults have learned how to make compromises, question the establishment, and work through disputes. In recent years, colleges and universities have reported an increased enrollment of adult learners—students age 25 or older.Of course, labeling this age group as adult learners is not to imply that the typical college student is not also an adult. Academic institutions typically identify those outside the 18–21 range as adults, because most have been working and rearing families for some time before deciding to enter or reenter college. Compared with younger students, adult learners may also have special needs: anxiety or low self-confidence about taking classes with younger adults, feelings of academic isolation and alienation, fears of not fitting in, or difficulties juggling academic, work, and domestic schedules.Adults most often choose to go to college fo r work-related purposes. Many employers require workers to attain certain levels of education in order to qualify for promotions. Other workers go to college to learn new skills in preparation for another career. Additionally, certain organizations, such as state licensing boards, may require professionals to have a certain number of continuing education hours each year to maintain their licenses. Finally, adults may also return to college simply for personal enrichment.Social and emotional 18-65 years Young adults like Denise face some difficult developmental tasks. Denise maybe at the beginning of this stage is concerned with beginning a career. They may be studying to gain the serious qualifications, or training at the entry level of an organization. Some will not be so lucky. In many countries, youth unemployment rates have been very high during the last century and appear set to continue. Studying, employment and unemployment each presents its stresses.At the same time, young a dults tend to be finding their way through the world of romance, which can also lead to stress and anguish. All of this happens alongside changes in relation- ships with parents, and the increasing expectation that the young person will take responsibility for her own life – including, perhaps, a shift to a new home. It would be an unusual person like denise indeed who proceeded through these developmental tasks without at least occasionally wondering who she is, or who she is becoming, and how she is faring compared to her peers.For most people, facing these issues brings a range of emotional reactions. Physical changes 65+ During late adulthood, the senses begin to dull. With age, the lenses of the eye discolor and become rigid, interfering with the perception of color and distance and the ability to read. Without corrective glasses, nearly half the elderly population would be legally blind. Hearing also diminishes, especially the ability to detect high-pitched sounds. As a result, the elderly may develop suspiciousness or even a mild form of paranoia to not being able to hear well.They may attribute bad intentions to those whom they believe are whispering or talking about them, rather than correctly attributing their problems to bad hearing. Hearing problems can be corrected with hearing aids, which are widely available. The sense of taste remains fairly intact into old age, even though the elderly may have difficulty distinguishing tastes within blended foods. By old age, however, the sense of smell shows a marked decline. Both of these declines in sensation may be due to medications, such as antihypertensive, as well as physical changes associated with old age.Intellectual development 65+ Some old people decide to retire some carry on working. However they still contribute in a good way to society as many of them give a positive view and things and are good role models to others. They give wise advice to people and people learn from it, during this age they may also enjoy playing board games or meeting other people their age. Many older adults complain about not being able to remember things as well as they once could. Memory problems seem to be due to sensory storage problems in the short-term rather than long-term memory processes.That is, older adults tend to have much less difficulty recalling names and places from long ago than they do acquiring and recalling new information. Studies have shown that practice and repetition may help minimize the weakening of memory and other cognitive functions. Researchers have found that older adults can improve their scores on assorted tests of mental abilities with only a few hours of training. Working puzzles, having hobbies, learning to use a computer, and reading are a few examples of activities or approaches to learning that can make a difference in older adults' memory and cognitive functions.Emotional and social development 65 + After this age the older people may start feeling upset because of their age and may feel that there's no point of being in society because they are not able to do things. They will start getting mixed emotions. However many might feel happy as they will have more free time and spend it with family. Reference: Healthy Children- physical development of school ages children. Bodycenter. com, parenting. com and cliffsnotes. com

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Male Bashing Stereotype Essay

â€Å"The Male Bashing Stereotype† by Kimberly Graham, unveils the secret of creativity, which is by her own admission a process of â€Å"uneducation,† rather than one of education. The premise here is to discard the rules we’ve learned about creative writing, and formulate new ones that actually work for us. Goldberg teaches workshops where current writers go not to learn the craft, but to actually tap into the creative process using a more â€Å"hands on† approach. Goldberg’s approach offers challenging concepts and positive solutions. Natalie Goldberg is a firm believer in the writing exercise, which is an excellent way to keep in good form. The author, a practicing Zen Buddhist, manages to address most of the problems that sabotage the process itself. According to Goldberg, it is the way we approach and perceive the craft itself that ultimately prevents writers from producing the work. She opens with a chapter labeled, â€Å"First Thoughts,† which advocates letting go of all of one’s ego and inhibition. â€Å"We must trust in our own process and voice,† she insists. This first statement rings absolutely true. In writer’s groups writers come and go frequently. The ones that ultimately persevere in the craft are the ones that don’t have thin skins. Goldberg quotes a cherished Zen master as having said, â€Å"We must continue to open in the face of great opposition† (Rinpoche12). For this reason, the writer has to be able to separate themselves from his or her work. The work may in fact be an extension or reflection of the writer’s personal experience, but this is where the association ends. Unless the work is viewed through this lens, critique will always seem like a personal attack, instead of an aspect for improvement. Goldberg prefers first thoughts because she says, â€Å"First thoughts are unencumbered by ego† (8).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Skype anaylsis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Skype anaylsis - Research Paper Example Over the year, the company has experienced rapid growth with a substantial increase in the number of customers each year. While most of the services are free, the company requires customers pay for land line and mobile calls through the Skype credit card. The company leverages on the current technological development to push its product to the customers. In the era of technological revolution, communication has become an important aspect of the globalized population. The public intends to stay in contact no matter their large geographical separation. As a result, Skype creates the link to sustain communication within the world by providing an online communication platform. Since its foundation, the company has become a hot product within the market. Two years after its release, eBay announced its willingness to acquire it for $2.5 billion with other potential performance-based consideration. In 2009, eBay announced its intention to sell 65% of its Skype shares to Silver Lake for $1.9 billion (Curwen 11-23). Later in 2011Microsoft acquired Skype Communications for $8.5 billion. Microsoft established Skype as one of its division replacing the old Microsoft Live messenger. Today, the application has over 60 million users being one of th e highest preferred communication website. The Skype division is a company that now delivers all its surfaces online to the international market. Users can download applications in their hardware to acquire the platform to communicate. The company provides a wide range of service from messaging, voice and video transfer services. The company’s business model is different to other social media sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp that are that are majorly used in social communication (Curwen 11-23). Skype has become a favorable communication tool within the business environment due to its ability to support telecommunication services. However, there is evidence that the company is still facing competition within

Friday, September 27, 2019

Groupon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Groupon - Essay Example eferral system which enables availment of Groupon bucks (Bulygo & Metrics, 2012); (6) offering purchases for a friend which could enjoin more to attest and appreciate the benefits accorded by Groupon; and (7) entrenching more awareness to products and services offered by merchants through word-of-mouth and through social networking sites; among others. As emphasized by Sviokla (2009), the keys to enhanced customer satisfaction stems from Groupon’s ability to: â€Å"(1) make the interaction simple; (2) create a sense of urgency; (3) energize customers to enjoin others to join; and (4) make the experience a lot of fun† (p.1). executed well? The quality of these activities fit with the overall strategy, which is consistent with the 5s of internet marketing, which are: to sell, to serve, to speak, to save and to sizzle (Andrew, 2013, p. 7). Its mission was to â€Å"treat our customers the way we like to be treated† (Groupon, 2013, par. 3). An important component of the strategy is adherence to â€Å"unbelievable customer service† (Groupon, 2013, par. 5). As such, Groupon pledged to achieve the 5s of internet marketing through implementing the activities above-mentioned. Based on the remarkable performance of Groupon as reviewed from their financial highlights, where it was revealed that â€Å"†record billings growth this quarter is a clear signal that customers love Groupons," said Andrew Mason, CEO of Groupon† (Business Wire, 2013, par. 4). As such, the sustained financial success proves that the strategies applied by Groupn were effective and fitted will with the organization’s overall strategy. In addition, since there were a lot of other organizations that mimicked or replicated their business model (Richey, 2010), it therefore attests to the effectiveness of the strategy in achieving financial

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Feasibility and Research Report--Tax on Cigarette and Demand on Essay

Feasibility and Research Report--Tax on Cigarette and Demand on Cigarette - Essay Example This objective is scheduled to operate within a seven year duration, whereby the expectation will be of high government revenue and a reduced level of smoking. The results of this project will benefit government, society, environment, smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette contains over 4000 chemical compound and 69 of those chemicals cause cancer. Cigarette harms health by causing diseases such as lung cancer or heart diseases. There are numerous organizations that can help smokers to quit smoking and the government work closely with such organizations to create awareness about the effects of smoking. Other than its addictive characteristics, this study sought to actualize the drive to smoking despite the awareness of its effects to health and spending. The outcome of the study is therefore very important to the Federal U.S. government as well as the Anti-Smoking Agencies. The outcome of the study was not intended to please tobacco manufacturers as this would affect their business, and to some extent the some government agencies were expected to reject the outcome of the study as well due to tax revenue they get from tobacco. However, the study was focused in revealing the truth of tobacco in relations to health effects. Many studies have been done on the health and economic effects of smoking tobacco. Such studies, discussions, or journals were limited to finding the real weight on health, spending etc of smoking cigarettes. Micklethwait, (2013) of the Economist Magazine acknowledges the effects of cigarette products affect the whole society in U.S. According to weekly news involving the economy and business within the U.S. and international business, the Smoking Weight, and Micklethwait, (2013) data percentage showing the rational of teenage smokers reveals that there are 46% teen girls and 30% teen boys do not smoke

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

English - Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English - Walden by Henry David Thoreau - Essay Example Thoreau died of tuberculosis on May 6, 1862 (Lenat, 2007). In an attempt to live life on his own terms and explore his philosophy of self-reliance, simple living and intellectual growth, Thoreau built a primitive cabin on the shore of Walden Pond, situated about a mile from Concord, and lived there from 1845 – 1847: a period of two years and two months. In 1854, Thoreau published ‘Walden,’ an account of his life during that time (Kifer, 2002). ‘Walden’ throbs with Thoreau’s impassioned love for Nature and his exhortation to follow a simple lifestyle, free from the bond of materialism. Walden is Thoreau’s spiritual quest for self-expression. Thoreau urges each man to achieve his full potential for self-expression and identification with God through the exploration of his individual self and shows that union with Nature is the surest path to this goal. Thoreau’s identification with Nature stems from his all-encompassing love for Nature, which is woven into every page of his narrative. To him, Nature is the fount of beauty, joy, companionship, freedom and health. He rises early to lose himself in the beauty of the dawn. Thoreau observes and delights in the minutest details of Nature: even the sound of berry-laden branches breaking off under their own weight. The wealth of detail he lavishes on his description of partridges, loons, owls, hawks, insects and fish and pond ice is characterized by a tenderness which chronicles and cherishes every minute aspect of Nature. A sparrow alighting on his shoulder is considered a badge of honor by him (Winter Animals, 7). His becoming a vegetarian is but a natural offshoot of this love, which leads him to treasure any life, animal or human, and consider this to be a mark of civilization. His keen observation of Nature enables him to make inferences of his visitors by interpreting the sig nificance of bended twigs and dropped flowers. Thoreau’s passionate embrace of Nature is seen in his hunger â€Å"to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Decoding the past the secrets of kabbalah Movie Review

Decoding the past the secrets of kabbalah - Movie Review Example The literal meaning of Kabbalah is â€Å"receiving.† It relates to mystical features of Rabbinic Judaism. Creator is the All-pervading power that controls everything in the world. The quality of helping others and charitable disposition paves the way for the Creator for the well-being of the individual. The movie brings to the reach of the common viewers the exclusive philosophy and religious practices of Judaism that is reserved for study by ultra-religious scholars. The scene has undergone total transformation. It is a multi-million dollars industry now, and celebrity-endorsed venture. The secrets for thousands of years have been demystified. To grasp the original teachings is still a far cry for the commoner, and one has some idea as to what Kabbalah is all about, after viewing the movie. The problem with the movie is that it presumes that the viewer has the backgrounder information about Judaism. So if you are going with the hope of watching the secrets of the mystical history of Judaism, the way the rituals are conducted and their importance, you will be disappointed. The script of the movie is based on many texts whose authenticity is doubtful. They are unable to provide tangible information and reveal the secret alphanumeric code in the Torah. Unless the viewers have the cultural knowledge of Judaism, watching the movie will not be a rewarding experience. A movie of 50 minutes duration will certainly not be able to provide complete information about the secrets of mysticisms of Judaism. The message through the movie is clear and straightforward but it is incomplete. When you are dealing with the intricacies of a profound philosophy, to learn which the rabbis take a lifetime, how justice can be made to the subject with a capsule of 50 minutes? There are many hidden meanings in the revelations of Judaism, unless the producer or the director is well- versed in them, the dialogues will not carry the intended import. It

Monday, September 23, 2019

Good bye Greek Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Good bye Greek - Assignment Example The Council also has a broader perspective, which is to build partnership between the school and the community with service. Ultimately, the Council’s overall spirit is creating activities for campus pride and participation. On the other hand, the MU’s Greek Leadership Council main goal is to strengthen a sense of com ­mu ­nity within our campus as well as foresee a perfect value founded institution. In partnership with the Greek Council, the students are in a position to strengthen their identities and as such live in harmony during their campus life. To bring order and discipline within or outside the university, both the Councils should come together and be one towards advocating for respect for each other and developing good values. The Council should have one agenda: providing a student perspective in deciding and implementing the goals as well as the initiatives of the University. The two Councils should bread the boundaries in terms of representation thus having one ideology. This ideology should aim at creating and overseeing a university with good values that provide an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. To arrive at solutions during the negotiation, both the two teams should nominate two representatives, who will take part in the negotiating process. Further, the VP should be the moderator since he will be a neutral (Kinzie & Kuh, 2004). Additionally, each team should come up with their own solution after which the best solution will be arrived at. Through nominating two representatives, time will be properly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychology and Conducive Learning Environment Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Conducive Learning Environment Essay Discipline is one of the basic requirements of a civilized life. Every society has to set certain norms for people to follow. Everything in this world is governed by a definite set of laws. If everything goes on in a definite routine and the discipline is maintained then there would not be any chaos anywhere. Discipline is the backbone of the national unity. Citizens of disciplined nations can work more smoothly and are filled with the spirit of unity, brotherhood and co-operation. However, discipline does not mean strictly, the withdrawal of personal liberty and authority: on the other hand it provides one with the guideline to use its freedom in a right manner. But that too is possible only if they do not take law in their own hands. Anywhere we go discipline is necessary in any institution whether it is an educational institution, or even in the political field, in social or religious matters, even on street and even while you are sitting in your own house. But unfortunately we note that discipline in our schools and colleges has perished. Students do not show respect to their teachers, misbehave in the classroom, organize strikes and try to take law in their hands. So an atmosphere of indiscipline is created which is a great setback not only to the individual, but to the nation also. Moreover, the teachers themselves do not show any discipline. They are also busy in strikes as to show their discontent against their pay scales, their posts and that affects their quality of teaching. Similarly discipline is an important component of political and social life. Until and unless everybody follows the rules and regulations proper satisfaction cannot be achieved. Anywhere you will find people out of their offices. Govt. employees busy in chatting, ladies busy in knitting at the hours of their duty. All workers show indifference to their duties and hence the work and unattended files keep on accumulating. So if each person imposes on himself or herself discipline and performs his or her duty with devotion, there will be no problem. Even in public places, people create chaos due to indiscipline behavior. People often show lack of law and order, while boarding buses etc. Black-marketing and hoarding and adulteration are also some of the examples of indiscipline. Eve-testing is another example of irresponsible behavior on the part of our youth. In the political sphere also, personal ambitions do come on the way and therefore they pose danger to the society. Discipline is important even in domestic life. If children are grown up in an atmosphere of love and brotherhood, they tend to be good citizens. It is the duty of parents to raise their children in an atmosphere conducive for everybody. The children from divorced parents and from broken homes are generally indiscipline. Therefore, parents should bring up their children in a disciplined manner. Discipline In School School discipline is the system of rules, punishments and behavioral strategies appropriate to the regulation of children and the maintenance of order in schools. Its aim is to create a safe and conducive learning environment in the classroom. A disciplined student is in compliance with the school rules and codes of conduct. These rules may, for example, define the expected standards of clothing, timekeeping, social behavior and work ethic. The term discipline is also applied to the punishment that is the consequence of breaking the rules. The aim of discipline is to set reasonable limits which protect students from harm and teach them what is safe and what is not. Discipline At Home Children are learning how to behave and need parents and caregivers to help them during that process. Because they are always learning, they will misbehave. Psychological studies show that behaviors are more effectively shaped by rewarding positive behaviors than by punishing negative ones. Spanking may have the short-term effect of stopping an undesired behavior, but it may have long-term consequences. Spanking by parents or others may cause harm by teaching children to use violence and by showing them that those who should love and protect them have the right to physically hurt them. The best way for parents to prevent challenging behaviors is to support positive behaviors. How can they do this? Use any opportunity as a teachable moment to talk about simple rules about behavior Put those rules into action. Follow through with praise for following instructions or consequences for disobeying. Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior. The definition above is apt enough for the type of discipline intended for the young people at school. The need for disciplining young people cannot be over-emphasized. A wise saying goes â€Å"Spare the rod and spoilt the child†. An undisciplined child becomes a spoil child. The disciplining does not necessarily involve the use of cane. It should normally take the form of corrections by the educators through the setting of good examples and verbal corrections. It is the repeated and deliberate tendencies to incorrigibility that should involve punishments from the educator. These punishments should also be corrective and directly related to the offence. The question then arises; who is to discipline the child, the school or the home? The unequivocal answer is both the school and the home. The efforts of these two agencies to direct the life of the child should be complementary. The all-round development of a person cannot be achieved if one of the parties withdraws its own contribution. Before a child is of school age the discipline is solely the business of the home. At that stage, a child is already in the preparatory stage of being potentially bad or good child. The mind of the new born child being so flexible has had certain impressions made on it. The child learns to act and behave mainly through imitation. These picked-up acts and behaviour which a child goes to the school will form the foundation upon which the school is to be built. Hence the school either inherits a light or a heavy job in this regard. Some schools are lucky to have under their care children who are already good natured and the school only needs to build and improve upon this good foundation. On the other hand the school may inherit other types of children who are real problems. For them â€Å"Please use a soft voice†, instead of â€Å"Stop yelling! † Discipline is a must at home and in school. So in todays society, it is very essential to live with co-operation, and brotherhood amongst each-other. Absence of discipline may lead to failure and backwardness of nation. But one can overcome these problems if everyone follows a personal code of conduct and maintain self-discipline for prosperity of the nation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Role and Importance of the International Law in World Politics Essay Example for Free

The Role and Importance of the International Law in World Politics Essay International law has been of increasing interest to scholars in recent decades, following several incidents that have severely challenged the concepts of how international order, peace, harmony, and justice between nations and states are maintained through the application of an international system of rules and sanctions. (Huysmans, 2006; Slaughter, 1993,1995; Nijman, 2007; Stahn, 2007; Goddard Nexon, 2005) One of the most significant events was the 9-11 Twin Towers attack in the Unites States, which precluded renewed aggression on the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan, and all other states considered to be aligned with the axis of evils or coddlers of religious and ideological extremism. The actions of the United States and its allies, particularly the attack on Afghanistan, deprived of international consensus, have understandably raised â€Å"questions about the relevance of international law, the legitimacy of torture, justification for pre-emptive use of military force, the rise of U.S. unilateralism, a crisis of the United Nations, etc.† (Huysmans, 2006:12) In the same manner, this has encouraged many scholars to study â€Å"how power constrains international law (or dooms it to irrelevance), how the powerful can harness international law to their ends, and how international law may reconfigure power in its own right.† (Steinberg Zasloff, 2006:64)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The increased concern over the importance of international law has likewise gained more impetus as the world entered the era of globalization. Indeed, in no other time has the need for laws with global scope become more paramount as in the information age, when the rise of transnational crime syndicates as the direct consequence of a better global information network and communications infrastructure, as well as the widely changing norms and perceptions of many cultures (Bentivegna, 2006: 341) has forced countries to work in untraditional ways to confront challenges and formulate solutions. It is therefore not surprising for the debates over the significance of international law be centred upon what an increasing number of scholars and critics have called â€Å"the politics of international insecurity,† which brings to the fore the problems on the conceptualization of the international legal infrastructure and the enforcement of its rules and sanctions. International Law, Politics, and Power The discourse of international law and its enforcement is necessarily a discourse of political power and its outcomes in the international terrain. In its inception and early stages, however, it was not recognized in its inception and early development that the two had a dialectical relationship, or indeed, that international law enforced and reinforced world politics in the same way that the latter affected the way the international system of policies and sanctions was structured.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Doubtless, there remains a strong consensus today that the very nature of international law is rooted on its dialectical relationship with the political motivations, behavioral patterns and concepts of identity of states. However, in order to determine the extent to which international law remains an important influence in the conduct of world politics, it would be beneficial to examine the development of the concept of international law with respect to its historical and sociological framework. While it may be conceded that there are diverging opinions on the role of international law—or of its consequence, if at all—on international relations, the fact remains that it is presently active today than any other time in history although the reason for its existence has been very much contested.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The classic notion of international law assumed that governing states was as easy as governing people, with its basic assumptions moored on the belief in the peoples’—and states’, for that matter—ability to comply with rules and regulations. Underlying this belief was a concept of people as being inherently conformist based on a fixed set of norms that were universally accepted, largely influenced by those who believed in the rationality of law in the governance of societies which stipulated that â€Å"legal rules and institutions did not arise out of the power of the coercive state but, rather, out of custom, consensus, and private ordering.† (Steinberg Zasloff, 2006:66) International law was therefore optimistic in the outset, with the notion of its power perceived to be a function more of self-regulation among states rather than a product of force or coercion. Another important assumption was of international law’s being a â€Å"neutral, apolitical avenue in which to settle international disputes† owing to its separation from the sphere of politics. (Steinberg Zasloff, 2006: 67) The rise of fascism, however, provided enough reason for a change in viewpoint. At the heart of this was the growing recognition that international law was useless if it had no power at all to stop the aggressive tendencies of some states—or if did not present itself as a threat enough to be able to effectively police nations. Hence, there was an increased popularization and acceptance of the argument that international law cannot be separated from the discourse of politics and of the multiplicity of political agendas within the international community. Scholars such as Morgenthau (1959:502), for instance, suggested that â€Å"universal moral principles, such as justice and equality, are capable of guiding political action only to the extent that they have been given concrete content and have been related to political situations by society.† This mirrored the general attitude of realists, who argued that â€Å"international law could ever play more than an epiphenomenal role in the ordering of international life.† (Slaughter-Burley, 1993:206) Such an assertion stemmed from the core belief of the realists that international law merely reflected the â€Å"interests of powerful states,† (Steinberg Zasloff, 2006: 67) which encouraged some scholars of the realist tradition to assert that international law was inconsequential as it was beholden to the powerful and could be bent to suit the interests of powerful nations. (Slaughter, 1995:1; Kocs, 1994) Morgenthau (1967), for instance, illustrated how the issue of intervention into sovereign states, which was declared unacceptable by the international law, was often violated by powerful entities acting for the preservation of their interests, which suggested that economic and political imbalances in the world—where the richer economies were able to influenc e the political and legal structure and framework of the developing world by dangling foreign aid—made the international law inutile in reflecting the interests of the poor and the rich on an equal scale. There have been departures to these beliefs, naturally, as new criticisms emerged from the constructivist camp which argued that interests and identities were inseparable from social groups and as such, â€Å"international law both reflects and reinforces identities and interests.† (Steinberg Zasloff, 2006: 82) Constructivists underlined the role of â€Å"norms, identities and other socio-cultural phenomena in international politics,† (Goddard Nexon, 2005: 29) which assert that like cultural symbols, norms and identities in international law and politics are constantly created and recreated by its actors. (Kocs, 1994) Therefore, the role of the international law and its influence on the behavior of sovereign states is mediated upon by the prevailing beliefs and concepts of order, justice and peace. The Dilemma of Hegemonic Power: Challenges to International Law Thus, the central role of international law in the world, today when violent conflicts and inequalities have sharply divided the world, has transformed into that of an equalizer of power, an expectation that is held by every individual and every society that ascribes to and believes in the tenets of democracy. The international law, through the international court, also functions as a last repository of justice for societies, and is instrumental in providing elusive justice to victims of human rights violations by despotic leaders and to victims of war atrocities that otherwise could not have sought redress from the domestic courts of their countries. (Stahn 2007) Whether the international law has been able to live up to these expectations is another matter, of course, and lately the power of the international law itself to maintain peace among states has been gravely challenged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the Second World War the United States emerged as the new superpower, which would give the realists their bases for attacking the role of international law other than in maintaining the interests of the status quo. Subsequent events that unfolded in history, from the Gulf War to the war on Afghanistan and the prolonged occupation of Iraq on the ground that it was harboring nuclear armaments have further highlighted the crises of the ability of international institutions such as the United Nations to enforce the international law. Another damning issue is the global climate change and the starkly bullheaded position of the United States and other developed countries on not signing the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gases emission which puts the whole world at more peril than the nuclear armaments supposedly kept by North Korea and Iran that the U.S. has been keen on decimating. These events have therefore raised the questions of whether the U.N. and the international law are, as suggested by the realist camp, prevailed upon by powerful states so that these states are able to enjoy an â€Å"exceptionality† when it comes to demanding compliance by the international community.    In the same manner, recent events such as the Iraq War which the U.S. has failed to justify based on the context of abating a â€Å"clear and present danger,† and despite the absence of consent from the international security council to launch the attack, have highlighted the gross imbalance of power that undermines the very existence of the international court as a mediating body in transnational conflicts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is unfortunate indeed not only for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan for all other peoples in the developing world as the current stance of the U.S. and other powerful countries not only tramples upon the very foundations of the international law but sets a dangerous precedent to ignore the rules set upon by the international community. Likewise, it presents a cause with which other countries may willfully violate the sovereignty of others regardless of international laws and based only on its perceptions of insecurity. It is in this context that the role of international law must be evaluated upon, on whether it has balanced out the capabilities of democratic societies to engage in fruitful relationships based on critical partnerships, or it has one-sidedly benefited the more powerful to the detriment of the weak, which it has, in recent years, appeared to be more and more inclined to do so. Works Cited: Bentivegna, S. (2006) Rethinking politics in the world of ICTs. European Journal of Communication, 21(3). Huysmans, J. (2006). International politics of insecurity: Normativity, inwardness, and the exception. Security Dialogue, 37(1):11-29. Goddard, S.E. D.H. Nexon (2005). Paradigm lost? Reassessing theory of international politics. European Journal of International Relations, 11(1):9-61. Kocs, S.A. (1994). Explaining the strategic behavior of states: International law as system structure. International Studies Quarterly, 38(4):535-556. Morgenthau, H.J. (1959). Dilemmas of Politics. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 35(4):. 502. Morgenthau, H.J. (1967) To intervene or not to intervene. Foreign Affairs, 45(3): 425-36. Nijman, J.E. (2007). Paul Ricoeur and international law: Beyond ‘the end of the subject’ towards a reconceptualization of international legal personality. Leiden Journal of International Law, 20: 25-64. Stahn, C. (2007). The international criminal court and the shortcomings of domestic legislation: Introductory note. Leiden Journal of International Law, 20: 165-166. Slaughter-Burley, A.M. (1993). International law and international relations theory: A dual agenda. The American Journal of International Law, 87(2): 205-239. Slaughter, A.M. (1995). International law in a world of liberal states. EJIL, 6: 1-39. Steinberg, R.H. J.M. Zasloff (2006). Power and international law. The American Journal of International Law, 100(1):64-87.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A view on cumulative satisfaction

A view on cumulative satisfaction Whether in doing business or as an end user of a product or service we tend to realise the importance of value for money. Consumers look for products or services of good quality for the price that they are willing to pay. This pursuit of value is the basis of their perceived satisfaction. Customer satisfaction plays a vital role in deciding value. The overall purpose of this article is to identify the importance of customer satisfaction for organizations and most essentially when and why cumulative satisfaction is important for businesses today. It is vital to make sure that the customers are happy and to view customer satisfaction as a main key to organisational success. Quality of a product or service is a means to an end. Customers perception of a products quality is part of a customers assessment of value and satisfaction. What is Customer Satisfaction? In todays competitive business environment, Organisations thrive to become the market leaders in their respective fields to gain profits. Customer satisfaction is seen as the key to any companys competitive advantage and profitability. It is the overall customer attitude towards a product or a service provider, or the reaction to the difference between what the consumer expects and what they receive, in order to fulfil a need or desire. Customer satisfaction is a highly personal assessment that is affected by customer expectations and is also based on the customers experience with a service or a product, idea, personnel. Imagine going to a reputable shopping venue in Sri Lanka such as Odel, where the atmosphere is excellent for shopping. Renowned for quality products ranging from clothes to jewellery and also provides various facilities such as handy ATMs, telecommunication, cafes where customers can sit and relax after shopping, the play area for children with adult supervision, and the efficient staff who are willing to help all their customers with a smile. In such a place, the overall experience that a consumer gains is what creates value for customers. This value creation adds to the overall satisfaction of the customer. The atmosphere at Odel and the quality products along with the services would affect the customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and its effect on Organizational profitability Businesses focus on Customer satisfaction mainly to increase their customer loyalty; this generates repeat purchases, thereby increasing their revenue, and importantly helps them to survive among the intense competition. Exemplary organisations focus on how to give their customers a positive experience in order to gain their trust and loyalty because the purchasing behaviour of loyal customers creates higher organisational revenue and reduces the cost of doing business. Satisfied customers will often refer the business to their family and friends which will create positive word of mouth, attract new customers and minimise the costs of advertising. When customers are highly satisfied they are less likely to switch to other service providers. For example a loyal customer of HSBC who is been given recognition for being a HSBC card holder for a long period will be treated exceptionally by the bank, providing him with premium rates, special bonus packages, and therefore this satisfied customer will not want to switch to another bank. Although attracting new customers is important it also can be costly, but serving current customers who are well satisfied with the business and its service can be rather cost efficient. Moreover, highly satisfied customers are less price-conscious because they are brand loyal and will pay a premium price for a product or service. Therefore having satisfied loyal customers will most certainly have a direct impact on profit. This is why successful businesses focus on customer satisfaction. Change in the perception of customer satisfaction through time There was a time when customers were less demanding and less vocal if they were less satisfied with a product or service. This is not that time. In the modern business context customers are becoming more demanding and less tolerant and with a combined increase in expectations, they are ever more concerned with their satisfaction and look for recognition and respect from these service providers. Customers have more power and therefore demand much more than just the product or service. Today, customers are looking for that extra value added full package as opposed to just the product or service. It is the basis of their customer satisfaction. So when is customer satisfaction most important for businesses? The answer is now. It has never been more vital. Cumulative satisfaction and its impact on business Overall satisfaction is not based on a single experience, but rather a chain of positive experiences bringing about a cumulative sense of satisfaction. The perceived value at the pre-purchase stage is short lived, however it sometimes transforms into satisfaction in the post-purchase stage. This post-purchase satisfaction results in repurchases and leads to greater trust and customer loyalty which is a result of cumulative customer satisfaction. A product has five key components such as goods, services, experiences, ideas, and people. Quality should be embedded in all of these components which ultimately creates value, when what is been received is evaluated against what is been offered leading to transactional satisfaction or results of one off exchanges. If a consumer is satisfied with a particular experience, that will eventually lead to cumulative satisfaction where the consumer engages in multiple experiences. Cumulative satisfaction is a psychological state, which leads to a deep sense of trust towards the product or service. This trust will be embedded in the customers mind and therefore will not think twice about purchasing the product or service. For instance, when a customer goes into a groceries super market such as Cargills food city, they reach first for the reputed brands in which they lay their trust. For instance if a customer has been using Colgate toothpaste for the past five years and trusts the brand through experience, thereby he will undeniably select and purchase that particular brand among many other toothpaste brands. This unconscious loyalty stems from countless positive experiences associated with the particular brand. This is what most businesses are looking for. Cumulative satisfaction; as the basis of customer relations In an increasingly impersonal world, customers look for personalized service. Since customer satisfaction varies depending on the individual, it is essential that businesses tailor their services for the customers subjective needs. This is where building customer relationships begin. Since cumulative customer satisfaction leads to loyalty and trust, it is plausible to state that customer relations stems from customer satisfaction. Giving a one-on-one service will enhance the customer experience providing greater cumulative satisfaction. Customers therefore will revisit the business and thus strengthen the relationship between the customer and business. For instance consider salon, Ramani. It is a reputed and leading salon in Colombo. They pay attention to detail, whiles giving an additional touch to the whole salon experience by providing not only a tranquil environment but also a calming beverage. Most importantly, they give a tailored service to each customer. Therefore a relationship is built between the customer and their stylist. This is further strengthened through regular visits and revisits. It is clear that customer relations are rooted by cumulative satisfaction. Due to years of experience and satisfaction, a relationship is built between the customer and her stylist. Furthermore, it should be noted that any decision made to remain loyal to the product or service or move to a competitor is based on prior experience and is positively correlated with the duration of the relationship throughout which the customer has been satisfied. Therefore businesses should consider the longer the relationship between the customer and service provider, the less probability of losing that customer to a rival business. Ways that businesses can improve customer relations In order to improve the cumulative satisfaction levels of customers, service providers should continue to aim at delivering good quality services and products in order to improve the total product value and to build profitable relationships based on cumulative satisfaction. Keeping the consumer happy should be their main goal, to retain the customers loyal and satisfied, businesses should delight their customers and give due recognition to their loyalty, for instance profitable customers should be given special treatment such as special bonuses, loyalty cards, special discounts. Some service providers go to the extent of keeping track of their customers birthdays and send cards for these special occasions, this is in order to maintain a healthy relationship with their customer base. The famous Ritz-Carlton hotel keeps a record of all their guests favourite snack, chocolate, which is entered into a computerized tracking system so that when the guest returns to any of their worldwide hotels these items, will be offered to the guest to make them feel special. Creating cumulative satisfaction does not always have to be done in a huge scale but making the customers feel special while providing value for their money is what should be done, giving customised products and service, having good and efficient employees to fulfil every customers needs, anticipate their needs before the competitors take action, asking customers about their needs, getting feedback in order to avoid any defects.. As small and medium organisations, you should keep in mind how cumulative satisfaction can lead to Organisational success and profitability. It is of paramount importance to build and maintain relationships with your consumers that will eventually lead to customer loyalty and trust.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Distinction Between Crime and Deviance Essay example -- criminal l

Crime statistics exist entirely to measure levels of crime inside society; so, the purpose of this essay is to illustrate whether or not the statistical data on crime and deviance provides a true measurement of criminal occurrences in British society. The distinction between crime and deviance is going to be explored and a clear understanding of how they differentiate from each other will be gained. The terms Formal and Informal social control will be identified and their differences determined. In particular, official crime statistics will be analysed to gain an understanding of how accurate such data is in portraying the true figures of crime. Furthermore, key terms such as dark figure, reported crime and recorded crime will be incorporated in to this essay and defined appropriately. Crime and deviance are behaviours that violate the social norms or laws of society, all crime is deviant behaviour, but not all deviance is crime. Tappan describes crime as an act that has been intentionally carried out in order to violate criminal law and one that is sanctioned by the state as a criminal act (Cliffnotes, 2013). Another description of crime depicts it as a behaviour that breaks the laws of the land and is punishable in a court of law (sociologytwynham, 2008). There are various categories of crime, each with their own sociological profile. Personal crimes include actions such as murder or rape. Crimes against property involve deeds such as theft, arson, or burglary. Victimless crimes have no willing complainant; these can be crimes such as prostitution, illegal gambling or drug abuse. White-collar crime is perpetrated by individuals who hold high social status within society. These individuals will carry out crimes suc... ...anuary 2014]. Jansson, K., 2007. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 January 2014]., 2014. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2014]. Sociology Twynham, 2008. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2014]. The Office of National Statistics, 2013. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 January 2014]. TNS.BMRB, 2012. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 January 2014].

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

President Bill Clinton Essay -- Biography

Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re-elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history, even through his personal scandals and broken promises. William Jefferson Clinton, now known as Bill Clinton, was born on August 19, 1946. He spent the first six years of his life in Hope, Arkansas. William Jefferson Blythe, Clinton's father, died in an auto accident three months before his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, gave birth to him. Clinton was raised in his grandmother, Edith Cassidy's home. His mother was often away from home taking nursing classes in New Orleans. It was at this time when Clinton's grandmother taught him to read at a very early age (American President 1). In 1950, Bill's mother married Roger Clinton. Roger was a car dealer and an abusive alcoholic. Bill Clinton attended public schools in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The whole family then moved to Hope, Arkansas, about an hour away from Hot Springs. When Bill was 15, his mother divorced Roger Clinton, only to remarry him quickly after. As a teenage boy, Clinton was obsessed with politics. He won student elections in high school, and later at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Clinton graduated from Yale Law School and moved back to his home state of Arkans... ...dn't happen, he had a huge impact on Americans, especially economically, and they supported him throughout his presidential career. During Clinton's presidency, the country had one of the longest periods of economic growth in history (Dumas 1). Bibliography Gerhardt, Michael J. "The Impeachment and Acquittal of William Jefferson Clinton." The Clinton Scandal and the Future of American Government. Ed. Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000. 142-148. "American President: Biography of President Bill Clinton." Miller Center of Public Affairs. Ed. Russell L. Riley. 2008. University of Virginia. 21 Feb. 2008 . "Bill Clinton." MSN Encarta. Ed. Ernest C. Dumas. 2007. 1 Mar. 2008 .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Outliers Book Review

Francisco Ayala May 9, 2012 English 101 Outliers Malcolm Gladwell is a speaker, bestselling author, and Canadian journalist. He is a writer for the New Yorker since 1996. Gladwell has four New York Times bestseller books he has written. Among one of those books is Outliers: The story of success (2008). Outlier, a nonfiction book, had to do with social psychology. Outlier is about the success of people who do not fit into our normal understanding of achievement. Gladwell points out that many people could be giving the same opportunity but it all comes down to early opportunity and privileged social standing are what really makes an Outlier.Gladwell does a really good job on breaking down the story of success of some Outliers. He goes in detail in how some Canadian hockey players make it have it easier than others, how Bill Gates is who he is today and the genius Christopher Largan failure to become an Outlier. In Outliers, Gladwell wants to convince the reader that people don't just r ise from nothing to be successful. Success comes from parentage and patronage. It also comes down to when and where you grew up. First example Gladwell gives is explaining how some Canadian hockey players become better than others.Gladwell research shows there’s an uneven number of elite Canadian hockey players. Players that are born in the first few months, January, February and March, of the calendar are more likely to be successful than those born in the last month of the year. Statistics showed players born in January, February, and March are most likely to be in the hockey traveling team. The reason for this was because in Canada, the eligibility cut-off for age class hockey is January 1. Someone born in January 2 has bigger physical maturity than someone born in November.Those with bigger maturity get chosen to join the elite team. They get provided with better coaching, better teammates and more games than those who were left behind. It is why most likely they are able to make into professional leagues. I can relate to Gladwell research as I used to play in soccer leagues. The cut-off date was also January 1. I did notice a difference of physical maturity; I was born in April, than those born in the last three months. It was easy to outrun the shorter people and it was the shorter people who were always sitting on the bench.Another Outlier Gladwell uses as an example is Bill Gates. Young Bill Gates was a really good mathematician. Gates was headed to a highly intelligent, driven, and successful professional career. But what change his path into not only being successful in life but also making him a billionaire was Bill Gates was given a unique opportunity that no one was given to at that time. He had the privilege to be the only one to be able to use the High School computers as much as he wanted after school, even overnight. It is there where he practiced programming and achieved the 10,000 hour rule.The 10,000 hour rule is the require amount o f time a person must practice in order to succeed. Personally, I agreed with this 10,000 milestone as I know someone who put ton amount of hours in his profession. At the age of ten, a teammate of the soccer team I used to play in used to stayed an extra two hours playing soccer after soccer practice was over. Practice was three hours along. That was a total of five hours a day of playing soccer. This was his routine for at least five times a week for the next nine years. He passed the 10,000 hour rule by age eighteen.At age twenty, he got signed to professional soccer team New York Red Bulls. Gladwell also uses Christopher Largan as an example. Largan is considered by many the smartest man in America. He has an IQ of one-ninety five. With a higher IQ than Einstein, everyone automatically thinks he is going to be successful in life. Largan does not become an Outlier. One reason for that is Largan did not have anyone in his life. His mother was not there to support him. There was no opportunity for him to demonstrate his talent. Gladwell compares Lohan to Oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb.Oppenheimer came from a wealthy neighborhood. His father was a business man. Oppenheimer had better opportunities to develop his intelligence than the opportunities Largan had. Largan came from a poor neighborhood and his mother was always working. Another difference between the two was Oppenheimer had practical intelligence and Largan didn’t. Practical Intelligence is â€Å"knowing what to say to whom, knowing when to say it, and knowing when to say it, and knowing how to say it for maximum effect (101). † Oppenheimer tried to poison one of his tutors.He was going to get kicked out of the University but he managed to get away with it because Oppenheimer had practical intelligence. Oppenheimer got these skills when he was child from his wealthy parents. He got away with attempting murder and just got sent to a psychiatrist in London. In the other hand L argan had to drop out of school because his mother didn't sign his financial scholarship on time, therefore he lost the scholarship. When he tried to talk to the dean, Largan wasn't able to convince the dean to let him keep his scholarship.Largan lack of practical intelligence he never got by his parents. It leaves me wondering what if Largan came from a wealthy neighborhood and his father was a business man. Would he have being bigger than Albert Einstein? What if Oppenheimer was raised in a poor neighborhood? He would’ve most likely end up in jail for trying to murder his tutor. Practical intelligence is something some persons have and should appreciate it. My brother always talks his way out of a ticket most of time when he gets pull over by police.On the other hand, I always get the ticket whenever I get pulled over by the police officer. I get very nervous and don’t know what to say while my brother always comes up with a unique excuse and they let him off the hoo k. Outliers has made me realize in order to be successful, one has to have luck on their side. I could be the smartest man in the world, but if I don’t have the proper background to succeed I won’t be able be successful. People who have being successful have had a unique opportunity in their life.Some of them were born at a time that was for their advantage. It makes me think if my birth year has any luck store for me in the future. I will recommend this book to people because it has some material in it that caught my attention. The 10,000 hour rule is what really got my attention. Seeing how The Beatles became successful after passing the 10,000 hours motivates me to put in hard work to what my goal is. What also caught my attention is how we have different perspective about school than what Asian think.Americans think if we go to school for a long time, we going to fatigue the brain and therefore not learn. That is the reason why we get a lot of vacation time. The As ian community makes their students go to school most of the year for at least eight hours. It is why they are mostly highly knowledgeable than most Americans. If people read what the Asians do in order to be highly intelligent, it could perhaps make them want to spend more time in school. Work Cited †¢ â€Å"Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell). † Weblog post. A Sea Change. 10 Feb. 2011. Web. 09 May 2012. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Recruitment and Selection of Incepta Pharma

30th September, 2012 Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Bangladesh University of Professionals Mirpur Cantonment Dhaka – 1216Subject: Submission of report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd† Dear Madam, Here is the report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. †, which you have assigned us as part of the course curriculum Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601). This is a group assignment, which was assigned after a series of class lectures and case studies. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to prepare this report. We appreciate the chance to apply our theoretical knowledge which will surely stand us in good stead.We hope that despite of the limitations, this report will give a fare idea regarding Recruitment and Selection Process of an organization to the interested readers. We will be glad to clarify queries if you have a ny. Finally, we thank you again for providing us the opportunity to carry out such study. Sincerely yours, Md. Hafizur Rahman †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Faruque Ahmed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prepared for: Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Prepared by: Md. Hafizur Rahman M1112023Faruque Ahmed M1112038 MBA-12 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka September 30, 2012 Executive Summary Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh which established in the year 1999. Now they are exporting their products in 57 countries. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines are working in the company. To attain the goals and objectives, Incepta Pharma choose the right people both from internal and external sources. Only for entry level employees they use external recruitment and selection processes.Their external recruitment sources are universities and other organizations. Recruitment methods are job fair, campus recruitment, internships, advertisement, employee referrals. They use extensive interview method as selection tool. Person/organization staffing model is get priority in the selection process. For mid and senior level employees they follow promotion system based performance and experience. They always prefer employee referral. The main key factor of the success of Incepta Pharma is strong friendly and co-operative working environment.Employees share their tasks with each other. In suddenly vacancies of employment, employees work like team. CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction: Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post. Recruitment and selection is the core objectives of HR division of an organization.To attain the goals of an organization choosing the right people in right at time right place is very important. Incepta follow their own recruitment and selection process to pick up the best candidates which adjusted their organizational culture. They believe in team work. Employees share their work each other and help to understanding the tasks. They build a very co-operative and friendly environment which is the main ingredient to meet their ultimate goals & objectives. 1. 1 Background of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh established in the year 1999. Incepta began its operation with a handful of highly skilled and dedicated professionals guided by an able leadership. Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions helped them achieve their objectives leading to much faster growth. Incepta was able to anticipate the need of the market and provide the right product at the right time. High focus on R&D investment from the very beginning made possible the introduction of quality products ahead of its competitors in most cases. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s now the 2nd largest Pharmaceuticals company of the country and recognized as the fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. . The company produces various types of dosage forms which include tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal sprays, eye drops, creams, ointments, lotions, gels, prefilled syringes, liquid filled hard gelatin capsules, lyophilized injections, human vaccine etc. Since its inception, Incepta has been launching new and innovative products in order to fulfill unmet demand of the medical community.The focus has always been to bring new, more technologically advanced molecules and innovative dosage forms to the country. Headcounts: To ac hieve their purpose and mission, they affirm their values of integrity, respect for people, innovation, performance and leadership. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines including pharmacy, microbiology, MBA, Accounting, Engineering and Medicine are working nationwide under the umbrella of Incepta. All the skilled and professional personnel are set at their very appropriate responsible positions. . 2 Objectives of the Study: * To learn about the real-life practices of recruitment and selection process practiced in incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. * To learn about the selection tools used and do a cursory analysis of the validity/reliability of these tools. 1. 3 Methodology and Sources of Data: Primary data: We collected information about recruitment and selection process of Inceta Pharma by face to faces interview. Md. Iftakhairul Alam Shehab Asst. Officer, Human Resources shared the recruitment & selection process of incepta with us.Secondary data: From the website of Incept a Pharma, we collected their background and some other information. 1. 4 Scope of Our Study: This report is prepared only the basis of Head office of Incepta Pharma which situated in Tejgaon, Dhaka. Basically we don’t emphasize on their whole industrial recruitment and selection process. CHAPTER TWO 2. Recruitment: To attain the ultimate goals and objectives of an organization, recruiting the right people is very important. Recruiting brings together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. 2. Recruitment Sources: This is the first step in the recruitment and selection process. Sourcing candidates means organization employment specialist is using a variety of methods to find suitable candidates for job vacancies. Sourcing can be done via online advertising on job and career sites or professional networking and participation in trade associations. Another creative sourcing technique employment specialists utilize is monitoring employment changes at industry competitors to recruit applicants familiar with the same type of business you are operating.So recruitment sources are: * Internal Searches * Employee Referrals/Recommendations * External Searches * Alternatives The main external recruitment sources for entry level employees of Incepta Pharma are Universities, Other organizations. For entry level employees universities are good recruitment sources. Incepta pharmaceuticals is a reputed organization and maintain good working environment so employees of other organizations are also eager to join the organization. For mid and senior level they go for internal recruitment. 2. 2 Communication Message:There are about three types of messages (Traditional, Realistic job preview and targeted), organization may use to provide information that will attract a significant pool of qualified candidates and discourage unqualified ones from applying. Incepta Pharma normally use realistic job preview type message in their advertisement. 2. 3 Recruitment Method: 2 . 3. 1Entry Level: Incepta Pharma use job fair, campus recruitment, internship (mainly for pharmacists) advertisement, employee referral method for external recruitment. They use university teachers’ referral for pharmacists recruitment.Choice Basis: Generally for medical promotion officer (MPO) they give news paper advertisement. Here they need higher yield ratio because when applicants understand the responsibility and challenges during training period most of them switch the job. They use employee referral because it is cost effective and these types of candidates also have to cross an extensive selection process for final selection. So there is no possibility of nepotism. They use job fair and campus recruitment because the processes require less time and the methods are targeted.By using internship they can evaluate an applicant practically. Challenges of the Methods: Except advertisement by using job fair, campus recruitment, internship, employee referral methods they a re getting only limited applicants but a vast number of applicant are not coming to their applicants pool. So there is most possibility the organization is depriving from more efficient candidates. 2. 3. 2 Mid and senior level: The organization follows promotion system for mid and senior level employees. When the company was started they followed head hunting for mid and senior level employees.But now they use internal sources for mid and senior level employees recruitment. Mid and senior level employees turnover is rare in the incepta. When any mid and senior level employee turnover or dead then responsibility of that person is shared by his/ her team because they would like to do team work. Then the vacancy post is filled up by promotion system on performance basis. They do not follow success plan culture. Choice basis: If they use external recruitment processes for mid and senior level employees it will be time consuming and new employees will take time to adapt the environment.S o it is not good for mid and senior level employees. As they would like to do team work the employees know the duties and responsibility of their boss and colleague. So they can easily share duties and responsibility when a mid or senior level employee turnoff or dead. Challenges: If any time for uncertain situation turnover of mid or senior level is high then it difficult to share duties and responsibility among the employees. They may face to problem for development/succession plan as they are following internal recruitment process. CHAPTER THREESelection 3. 1 Selection: Selection of right people from vast number of candidates is a very difficult task. If there is continuous recruitment and selection process year round of an organization, those must have recruitment and selection department. Otherwise some organizations transfer their recruitment and selection responsibilities to the recruiting firm and they pay huge for it. Incepta Pharma handle their recruiting process own. Choi ce Basis of Selection Tools: For Initial Assessment Incepta Pharma overview Resumes and Cover Letters of a candidate.They take written test when a large number of employees are recruited. But for two or three employees they collect CV from CV bank and employee referral and start first interview. Though they prefer employee referral there is no possibility of nepotism because the applicants have to overcome an extensive selection process to get final job offer. So only efficient candidates are selected for their job. 3. 2. 1 Resumes and Cover Letters: All educational, previous experiences, extra curriculum activities and other required information are written in resumes and cover letters.And information needs to be verified by other predictors to ensure accuracy and completeness. Generally organization uses this selection tool to initial assessment of large number of candidates. But sometimes there is a possibility of falsification and misrepresentation of information in resumes and cover letters. Problem with resumes and cover letters: Though resumes and cover letters is the most cost effective method of selection but in words of validity or reliability is very low. Someone may be prepared his/her CV by other.Real work skills or knowledge cannot be measured through this method. 3. 2. 2 Interview Method: Any confusion/curiosity is dissolved with the face to face meeting between employers and candidates. Interview is very important to evaluate person/ job match. For making the interview effective organization should follows these rules: * Asking questions assessing most basic KSAOs * Sticking to basic, fundamental questions suitable for making rough cuts rather than subjective questions * Keeping interviews brief * Asking same questions of all applicants * Useing a standard scoring guideHowever it is almost impossible to judge qualified candidates without Job Knowledge Tests and Performance Tests and Work Samples. But Incepta Pharma take only resumes and intervi ew for selecting their qualified employees most of the cases. They take 3 step descriptive interview for choose their appropriate candidates. 3. 3 Selection Process: The selection process typically consists of eight steps: 1. Initial screening interview 2. Completion of the application form 3. Employment tests 4. Comprehensive interview 5. Background investigation 6. Conditional job offer 7. Medical/physical exam . Permanent job offer For entry level employees selection Incepta Pharma follow following sequence: Collection of CV| v Screening of CV| v Written test| v 1st interview by HR head | v 2nd interview by head of the department | v 3rd interview by director| v Conditional job offer| v Final job offer | Fig: Selection process for entry level employee of Incepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Always they do not take written test. It depends on number and types of the employees. CHAPTER FOUR ConclusionIncepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Wants to be research based global pharmaceutical company and a highly efficient generic manufacturer. Now they are 2nd largest pharmaceuticals company in the country and exporting their products in the abroad (57 countries). But they started their business from 1999. They are fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. The market position they gained within few years only possible by highly skilled and dedicated professionals who can take Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions guided by an able leadership.The most important factor that takes an organization in a leading position is its efficient and right human resources. Incepta obtained their skilled and experience human resources by well structured, concurrent and extensive recruitment and selection processes. They have own distinct recruitment and selection process. They prefer internal referral to pick up appropriate employee for their organization. Question may arise have they maintain nepotism and favoritism. Yes they use n epotism and favoritism in efficient and effective manner to draw attention of sufficient candidates who will be resources in future.